For the country you have chosen the title is: An assessment of the current phase and characteristics of economic growth in X (the name of the country). The author of the section must be clearly identified by their student number at the beginning of the section. Then, for this country you must: ¢ Introduce the topic: State briefly the purpose and structure of the discussion in your own section of the report. ¢ Briefly describe (with at least one Figure “ labelled Figure 1.1 etc with a title, key and source of the data) the pattern of GDP growth (% change at constant prices) over the last fifteen years (time on the horizontal axis and GDP % rate on the vertical axis). The Business Cycle graphic must be constructed from the original data not copied and pasted ¢ Examine the fundamental factors that have contributed to the pattern of GDP growth and the characteristics of the present stage of growth (include reference to the theory of business cycles). ¢ Suggest the stage of the business cycle that the country is now in ¢ In conclusion, identify the three factors that are most likely to inhibit growth and the three that are most likely to stimulate growth in the coming two years. Finally, give a reasoned justification for how you see the pattern of GDP growth changing in the coming two years. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.