1 ARCH1322 Architectural History and Theory 3 Session 2, 2015 Assignment 2 In the book New Directions in Australian Architecture, published in 2001, Philip Goad outlines three design traditions that have persisted within architecture in Australia. These he names as 1) the tectonic, 2) levels of abstraction and 3) the figurative.1 In describing these three traditions, Goad mentions the work of a number of recent and contemporary architects and their practices: The tectonic Gabriel Poole Glenn Murcutt Richard Leplastrier Brit Andreson & Peter O’Gorman Stutchbury & Pape Troppo Donovan Hill Sean Godsell John Wardle Levels of abstraction Alec Tzannes Alex Popov Durbach Block Ivan Rijavec Tom Kovac Denton Corker Marshall Engelen Moore Kerstin Thompson Wood Marsh Nation Fender Katsalidis The figurative Edmond & Corrigan Ashton Raggatt McDougall Lyons For this assignment you are required to choose one of these design traditions and select two architects/architectural practices whose work relates to that tradition.2 Examine how the work of these architects has been interpreted by different critics, writers and historians as contributing to the continuance and development of that tradition, or as deviations from it. Within your study you must consider the theoretical dimensions of the traditions and discourse and for this you will need to engage with theoretical texts.3 Since 2001 the use of computer-aided design and digital modelling has increased dramatically and this may have changed or modified the relationship the work has with the tradition. For the architects listed above, use the bibliographic lists published on the ARCH1322 Moodle website. You can consider the work of contemporary Australian architects not included in the lists above and which can be argued is related to one of the traditions. For example, the work of FJMT (Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp) would fit the topic of the tectonic and the work of McBride Charles Ryan a discussion of the figurative. Please consult with the course convenor if you would like to consider the work of additional architects, which will involve generating a list of appropriate bibliographic sources. 1 Philip Goad, The Persistence of Design Traditions, in New Directions in Australian Architecture, by Philip Goad and Patrick Bingham-Hall (Balmain, NSW: Pesaro Publishing, 2001), 45-48. 2 You are not permitted to select the same architect/s you studied for Assignment 1. Also note that since 2001 the practices may have changed, have different or extended names, or may no longer exist. 3 A list of recommended theoretical sources is posted within the ARCH1322 Architectural History and Theory 3 Moodle website. 2 Format 1. Overall presentation format: A maximum of 3 sheets of A3 size (landscape format); the character of the format must be consistent among all sheets so that each sheet can be easily identified with the rest of the work. 2. Paper stock for hardcopy: nothing thicker than cartridge paper; colour of your choice. 3. Texts: all texts should be word-processed. 4. Number of words: 1400-1500 (excluding captions, endnotes and image references). Work over the word limit will be assessed only on the basis of the first part that reaches the limit (and the latter part will be disregarded). 5. Present the hardcopy of your work flat: do not roll it up for submission. 6. Identification: Your name, your student ID number, the name of this course and the year of submission must appear on the front of each sheet of your work, and these items must be considered as part of the format (rather than something extra and forcefully added to the sheet). References and acknowledgements 1. Cite at least six (6) publications in this assignment. A 10% penalty will be imposed on citing only 5 publications, 20% penalty on 4, and so forth. 2. Proper reference must be made. Supply endnotes in accordance with the Note format (not author-date) as specified within The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th or 16th editions. Brief examples of this format can be found at www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home, whereas hardcopies of The Chicago Manual of Style are available in the UNSW main library. A summary of rules and examples, entitled Chicago Manual of Style Referencing Format for Endnotes, is available in the Resources section of the course Moodle website. 3. Acknowledge all sources of images used; acknowledgements (in the form of proper reference) are to be included after (or next to) the endnotes. 4. A bibliography is not needed at the end of your work. Submission The submission is due by 4pm, Tuesday 10 November. Submit (1) one hardcopy at the FBE Student Centre, and (2) one electronic copy into the submit folder for this course found at \coursefolders.fbe.unsw.edu.auDATA (if accessing from the UNSW network). If you plan to submit outside of the UNSW network, the following link has instructions on how to access the folder from anywhere over the internet via FTPS: The electronic copy should be a PDF file. Files are to be named as follows: e.g.: SMITH_JOAN_ARCH1322_2015_ASSIGNMENT Please note that once submitted, file names cannot be changed. The hardcopy submission of your assignment must be accompanied by a signed Plagiarism Declaration that is part of the Student Assignment Receipt Form available from the FBE Student Centre. Assignments submitted without this declaration will not be assessed. Assessment criteria The following criteria will be used to assess your assignment: Response to assignment brief and requirements Written expression Clarity of referencing Quality of presentation Please ensure that your assignment is proofread before it is submitted to iron out any spelling errors and grammatical flaws. This assignment is to be done individually. 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