· Topic : Asian Americans and Racism in the US · Rules : Papers must be a MINIMUMof ten pages long (8 full pages of text, one page for references and one cover page). No headings should be repeated on the eight pages of text “ they belong on the cover page. Write a minimumof eight pages of text on that research topic. Include a minimum of eight scholarly references (social science journals, law books; and/or websites that are sponsored by academics and/or professionals) and include a bibliographyat the end of the paper using ASA formatting. One of those references can be from ONE of our texts; the other references must come from separate academic journal articles NOT news articles or random websites. Do not include Wikipedia or other encyclopedia/dictionary usages among the ten references. USE ASA WRITING STYLE ONLY Double-Space, use 12 point normal font (Times New Roman only) and margins no greater than 1.25 on all sides. DO NOT MANIPULATE FONTS AND/OR FORMATTING TO SATISFY THE LENGTH CRITERIA (SHORT PAPERS WILL NOT EARN CREDIT). DO NOT INCLUDE LONG QUOTES OVER FORTY WORDS; LIMIT SHORT QUOTES TO ONLY 3-4 Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, for an amazing discount.