Catching is a critical fundamental motor skill that children should learn.

espond to two classmates. Reflect on any additions you might make to their created rubrics. Also include an explanation of how you might assist a student who scores primarily in the Needs Improvement area for that skill. Catching is a critical fundamental motor skill that children should learn. It is a foundation for many activities and the stepping stone for more complex motor skills that a child will participate in throughout their life. When assessing a child in the skill of catching it is important to observe and teach: – Eyes focusing on the object. – That the feet are placed slightly apart and the body moves in position to meet the object. – That the arms are relaxed, move to slightly bent elbows, and then extend towards the object in order to catch. – Hands are facing palms up, cupped, and once the ball is grasped, the fingers are in the proper position. – Once the object is in their hands, they pull it towards there chest and redistribute their weight to from the front to the back. In order to observe and document this lesson, split children into groups of four. Give them a beanbag and have them form a square, and choose an animal they would like to represent. Then on go, have them call out the name of the animal they will underhand toss to. The animal they called should catch the beanbag. As they perform this activity, the teacher should observe the group and their abilities. When the group has played for five minutes, the teacher should document each child based on the rubric below. Catching Underhand: Kindergarten Proficient Very Good Good Developing Follows ball with eyes Consistently follows the path of the object with eyes. Almost always follows the path of the object with eyes. Occasionally follows the path of the object with eyes. Rarely or never follows the path of the object with eyes. Position of body in preparation of catch Consistently aligns body with the path of the object and feet are slightly apart. Almost always aligns body with the path of the object and feet are slightly apart. Occasionally aligns body with the path of the object. Feet may or may not be slightly apart. Rarely or never positions body with the path of the object. Feet may or may not be slightly apart. Position of arms Arms consistently begin relaxed or slightly bent and are extended to reach for the object. Arms almost always begin relaxed or slightly bents and are extended to reach for the object. Arms are occasionally relaxed or slightly bent. Arms’ extending towards the object is consistent. Arms are rarely relaxed or slightly bent and instead are frequently extended towards the object with little or no adjustment for the path of the object. Position of hands Hands are consistently facing up and around the object; the little fingers are placed close together around the object. Hands are facing up and around the object; the little fingers are almost always placed close together around the object. Hands are facing up, hands are occasionally place properly around the object with little fingers are occasionally Hands are facing up; object is rarely caught or hand placement needs work/is often improper. Position of body after catch Consistently pulls object towards chest and distributes weight of body. Almost always pulls object into chest and distributes weight of body. Occasionally pulls object into chest and distributes weight of body. Rarely catches object, rarely pulls object into chest if caught and/or does properly distribute body weight. For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: ¢ On-time delivery guarantee ¢ PhD-level writers ¢ Automatic plagiarism check ¢ 100% money-back guarantee ¢ 100% Privacy and Confidentiality ¢ High Quality custom-written papers