First and foremost, this topic revolves around the AUSTRALIAN society. So focus, examples and pointers should be within and related to the AUSTRALIAN context. This is also a paper for a Social Work degree course and is under a subject called ˜Contemporary Practice Approaches’. Hence, the context and relevant literature or references should be related to Social Work Theories and applied WITHIN the context of Australia. Overview This essay requires you to critically analyse ONE social work theory and critically apply this to one field of practice. The field of practice in this essay would be ˜depression experienced by young people in Australia’. This essay requires situating your analysis in contemporary social work theory debates. The types of Social Work Theories that could be applied are (for example); “ Cognitive behavioural therapy “ Empowerment Theory “ Strengths Perspectives Theory “ Solution focused Theory Hence, choose ONE theory that could be best applied and analysed in the context of ˜depression experienced by young people in Australia’. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.