When an author writes a dramatic piece, he or she does so with the expectation that it will result in a performance. Complete the following for this assignment: Access The Stronger, a one-act play by August Strindberg, through You can read the play, or you can listen to it on Note: The audio version is number 9 in the list at the top. Write a paper of 1“2 pages, and discuss the following: Identify the two characters in this play, and give a brief description of each. Identify the protagonist. Support your answer. Identify the antagonist(s). Support your answer. Where is the setting for this work? What can you tell about the characters based on how they react to one another? What is the emerging theme or message in this work? Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to deliver to you a quality written paper as per your specified instructions. Order Now, and enjoy an amazing discount!!