This module introduces us to the concept of universalism with Immanuel Kant’s moral theory. In this activity, you will develop an essay and bibliography about the philosopher and his theory. Read the chapter on Kant’s moral theory in your e-text. Using information about the theory and Immanuel Kant, supplement your reading with at least four other resources. In your essay describe the theory and give a brief bio of Kant. Explain how this theory might be applied to contemporary ethical issues. Your research should be documented by citing at least *Five-5 credible sources such as the textbook-(Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues-8th Edition/CONCISE-Barbara Mackinnon), a newspaper, a biographic article, book, or website. Wikipedia and any similar online reference sites where the content may be authored by anyone are not considered credible sources for scholarly writing. Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to deliver to you a quality written paper as per your specified instructions. Order Now, and enjoy an amazing discount!! the best essay experts? Click order now, and enjoy an amazing discount.