The Ministry of Health is therefore requiring all districts to develop proposals for improving cardiovascular health services as a matter of high priority. A World Bank Health Project in cooperation with the ˜Basic Needs Foundation “ Kalitopia’ has a component focusing on this, and the District Health Planning Group for Bulobazi District has been asked to develop an outline costed proposal to access funding from this project. Funds have been provisionally earmarked for the project in Bulobazi subject to a satisfactory proposal being developed to improve cardiovascular health services. These funds are: ‚· Recurrent funding of 50,000 shillings per year in year 1, updated by 10% in year 2 and a further 10% in year 3; ‚· Capital funds totaling 100,000 shillings over the three years. These funds are additional to the regular health budget (details in the Bulobazi District profile) and which is not expected to increase over the three years. The task You are part of the District Health Planning Group within Bulobazi District. Other members of the planning group are the District Medical Officer, the Assistant District Commissioner, and a representative of the community. The District Health Planning Group needs to prepare the planning proposal for improving cardiovascular health services for the whole District, to be considered at the next meeting of the project planning team and you have been asked to prepare the first draft. The proposal will cover a 3 year period from January 2016 to December 2018. The current date is October 2015. You, therefore, have to decide, within the resources allocated and based on your knowledge of the District, what strategies should be planned for the District. This should be written as a planning proposal, with a completed budgetStructure of the proposal Your assignment should be written in the form of a project proposal (rather than an academic essay). The project methodology requires you to use the following headings in submitting your proposal: 1. Situation analysis setting out key issues 2. Statement of the objectives of the project 3. Outline of the proposal (what strategies you propose should be set up, what each strategy should achieve; and the main activities needed for each strategy) 4. Justification of the proposal (why you have selected your particular strategies) 5. Resource implications (what staff, equipment etc. will be required in addition to the existing budget for the District). A budget for each of the three years should be included. A blank budget sheet is Attachment 3. It is recommended that you use this format for your proposal) 6. Implementation schedule for the proposed activities (an outline programme of who will do what, in what order, and when). A blank Gantt chart (Attachment 4) is available to develop this implementation schedule, but feel free to use any other format if deemed appropriate. 7. Monitoring & evaluation. Based on your objectives, how you would measure the success of the project, including selection of criteria for the objectives and indicators for each criteria and source of information. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.