Research issues facing academic advising and the current strategies that are being utilized by advisors in the NCAA institutions. For this final assignment, you are to: 1.Identify an Academic Athletic Advisor at a major university who is involved with an athletic department student services program you would like to interview. Contact this individual to ask specific questions about the person’s background and professional steps he or she took to attain the current position. Have that person describe his or her day-to-day routine. (Make sure you research the advisor’s background before calling to assure an effective interview with time efficiency.) 2.What athlete advisement programs or components are in place to help students with eating disorders, behavioral disorders, and learning disabilities? 3.What additional programs are provided or conducted for student athletes, especially to maintain NCAA eligibility? 4.Evaluate the program comparing this program against the material presented in this course. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.