
Employment Tests, Hiring and Promotion Decisions 1. Use the Internet to research employment tests (i.e., drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honest tests, and scored tests of ability), choose two (2) of the following employment tests: drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honesty tests, and scored test of ability. Next, analyze the manner in which the testing itself could be considered illegal when an organization does not properly use it during the employment hiring process. Justify your response. 2. Give your opinion of the purpose of the Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ). Then, suggest two (2) occupations where the discriminatory requirement is legal. Justify your response. Affirmative Action and Harassment 3. Go to The Leadership Conference’s Website to read the article titled Affirmative Action, located at review the background of affirmative action. Then, argue whether or not the intended fairness afforded by affirmative action is relevant to the 21st century, considering that organizations are typically trending toward promoting a diverse workforce. Justify your response. 4. Select two (2) of the following types of harassment: same-sex harassment, cyber harassment, or hostile virtual environment. Investigate the significant ways in which the selected type of harassment could alter work conditions in any organization. Then, formulate a plan to minimize the selected type of harassment in the organization. Reasonable Accommodating and Work-Life Conflicts 5. Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research one (1) case where an organization unfairly executed its reasonable accommodation policy; summarize the outcome of the selected case. Then, outline a corrective action plan geared toward mitigating the unfair reasonable accommodation practices within the organization in question. 6. Determine two (2) work-life challenges that either military personnel (e.g., Reserve and National Guard, etc.), individuals with accents or English fluency concerns, or gays / lesbians may face within any organization. Examine at least two (2) employment laws that protect your selected group. Next, outline a plan that could assist an organization in protecting the selected group from discrimination. Making decisions Read the following for question 7: One of my colleagues has a phrase that I love. It’s, Thoughts are nice, but actions matter. In terms of leading the thinking, it’s really easy to get caught-up in all these great ideas we have, and all the changes we want to make, but when it comes time to make a decision, we freeze, because decisions are risky, and we’re afraid to make them. Sometimes you need that maxim to get you off the line, make the call, and move the organization forward. If you have trouble making decisions and driving that organization to change, this maxim is going to be very important to you. I have had two maxims that I’ve used over the years that have helped me make decisions. The first is, If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. It’s a lyric from a Rush song. The song is called Freewill. I remember the first time I heard it I was in high school, but those lyrics spoke to me. They said, Inaction is still an action. I’ve carried that forward, and when I find times where I’m doing a lot of analysis, and saying, I don’t want to make a decision right now, it’s a reminder that I just made a decision. The decision I made was to wait. Many times in business in moving your organizations forward, waiting has a true cost. That maxim reminds me, I need to make some decision now. The second maxim that I’ve used to drive decisions is, In case of doubt, attack. It was a quote from General George S Patton. He is the Patron Saint of United States Army armor. Patton had a belief that you can’t just sit there, and if you’re not sure what to do, move forward. In terms of emotional resonance within the leadership maxim’s method, Patton has a special place in my heart. Patton went to West Point. I went to West Point. I used to walk past Patton’s statue every single day on my way to class. When I graduated, I was an Armor Officer. I had a great deal of respect for General Patton and his leadership, and that mantra, that maxim of, In case of doubt, attack, reminds me during those times where I’m really not sure or I’m afraid to make this decision, I need to do something. As you think about your maxims for making a decision, moving beyond thought and into action, think about situations where somebody made a call and it was uncertain and ambiguous, but they had the courage to make the call. They moved the organization forward, and good things happened. That story can be a good source of a maxim. Think about times that you’ve made a decision, when you didn’t have all the information, and you went with your gut and things worked out well. That can be another place that you can look for your maxim to server as that trigger to drive you to move forward. Once you have that maxim, you can then set that expectation with your team, that you want them to behave the same way. Tell them, In case of doubt, attack. Members of my team know that maxim. They understand that’s what I expect of myself, as well as of them. It gives them permission and it encourages them to take action even if they’re not 100 percent what the outcome is going to be. Define that decision-making maxim, and then think about how you can apply it to situations where you’re not really sure, you’re a little afraid to decide, and that maxim will move you off the line and into action. 7. Next, provide an example of how your personality and values have influenced your actions and / or decisions in your current or past organization. Be specific as to the particular action or decision that your personality and values influenced. Next, construct your own decision-making maxim, and explain the significant way(s) that your personality and values align to said maxim. Consider in your maxim the integration of ethical decision making criterion and integration of diversity receptors. Moved to Action 8. Compare and contrast the significant similarities and differences among the theories of goal setting, self-efficacy, and reinforcement. Specify the theory that you believe most closely aligns with your current or future approach to motivating employees. Support your response with at least one (1) example that demonstrates your approach to employee motivation. No Man is an Island 9. Suggest two (2) scenarios in which understanding the Five Stages of Group Development (forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning) could help you to work more effectively in groups in the future. Provide a rationale for your response. Then, reflect on an experience that you had being a member of a team. Classify the good, bad, and tolerable characteristics of being a team member. For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: ¢ On-time delivery guarantee ¢ PhD-level writers ¢ Automatic plagiarism check ¢ 100% money-back guarantee ¢ 100% Privacy and Confidentiality ¢ High Quality custom-written papers