Marketing Research Presentation Present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation to be provided to the leadership of the symphony and any board members who choose to participate to summarize your research. When you prepare this, be sure to consider the audience, key information needs, and the research objective. Your presentation should consist of 10“12 slides. Each slide must contain a Notes section that details what information you would present with that slide. Your assignment will be graded on the following criteria: ¢Apply research processes and approaches that address organizational decision making and strategy building needs. ¢Present relevant research methods, data, and measurement scales to support findings. ¢Analyze data using appropriate techniques. ¢Synthesize results in response to research objectives. ¢Clearly and effectively communicate research analysis and findings. Marketing Research Presentation Scoring Guide Grading Rubric Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Apply research processes and approaches that address organizational decision making and strategy building needs. 20% Does not apply research processes and approaches that address organizational decision making and strategy building needs. Applies some appropriate research processes and approaches that address organizational decision making and strategy building needs. Applies appropriate research processes and approaches that address organizational decision making and strategy building needs. Applies appropriate research processes and approaches that address organizational decision making and strategy building needs. Explains how these address the research question. Present relevant research methods, data, and measurement scales to support findings. 20% Does not present relevant research methods, data, and measurement scales to support findings. Presents some relevant research methods, data, and measurement scales to support findings. Presents all relevant research methods, data, and measurement scales to support findings. Presents all relevant research methods, data, and measurement scales to support findings. Explains how these answer the research question. Analyze data using appropriate techniques. 20% Does not analyze data using appropriate techniques. Analyzes some data using some of the appropriate techniques. Analyzes all data using many if not all of the appropriate techniques. Analyzes all data using all of the appropriate techniques. Synthesize results in response to research objectives. 20% Does not synthesize results in response to research objectives. Synthesizes some results in response to research objectives. Synthesizes all results in response to research objectives. Synthesizes results in response to research objectives. Addresses issues beyond the research objectives that may apply to the results. Clearly and effectively communicate research analysis and findings. 20% Does not clearly and effectively communicate research analysis and findings. Somewhat clearly and effectively communicates research analysis and findings. Clearly and effectively communicates research analysis and findings. Clearly and effectively communicates research analysis and findings. Communication is concise enough to be understood by the decision-makers who use the information. Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, for an amazing discount.