Film is a powerful medium through which societies express concerns and aspirations, providing us an opportunity to explore visually some of the topics of the course. You will receive a list of films from which you will select one. Your review should include a very brief summary (maximum two pages double-spaced) and your reaction (minimum two pages double-spaced) to the piece. What is the film’s argument? What are the writer and director trying to say to the viewer? Also include any questions you still have of the film. FILMS LIST: Group One: Conquest and Colonization Cabeza de Vaca (Mexico): Story of a 16th century explorer in present-day Mexico and United States The Mission (US): On the 18th century Jesuit missions in present day Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay Aguirre, Wrath of God (Germany): On failed expedition to El Dorado, greed and madness in the 16th century Amazon Fitzcarraldo (Germany): An early- 20th century rubber baron in the Peruvian Amazon I, The Worst of All (Argentina): On the life of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, brilliant 17th c. Mexican intellectual, poet and nun. The Other Conquest (Mexico): On the conquest of the Aztec Empire La monja alférez (Spain): About Catalina de Erauso, a transgendered lieutenant-nun living in 17th c. Peru Group Two: Early-to mid 20th Century La Patagonia Rebelde (Argentina): On worker/anarchist rebellion in 1920s Southern Argentina Black Orpheus (France/Brazil): A Greek-style tragedy unfolds in a 1950’s Rio favela during Carnival Machuca (Chile): On the 1973 coup against Salvador Allende Missing (US): On Pinochet’s coup in Chile Romero (US): On the assassination of Bishop Romero in 1980s El Salvador The Official Story (Argentina): On the aftermath of the military Junta La Cautiva (Argentina): On the children of the desaparecidos The Panama Deception (US): Documentary on US invasion of Panama in 1989 Innocent Voices (El Salvador): Violence in 1980s El Salvador Ché (Spain, France, US): Two part film on Ernesto Guevara (Part One: Cuba; Part Two: Bolivia) Motorcycle Diaries (Argentina, Brazil, US, etc.): On the journeys and memoir of Ernesto (Che) Guevara The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo (Argentina): On the struggles of a group who opposed the military regime El Norte (US-Guatemala): The story of two undocumented immigrants from Guatemala Fitzcarraldo (Germany/Peru): About greed and madness in early 20th century Amazon Paper Dove (Peru): About a young man in Peru’s civil war Group Three: Modern Social Issues and Movements Bolivia (Argentina): The story of a Bolivian migrant in Argentina Wetback “ The Undocumented Documentary (US): On the struggle to cross the US border The Revolution will not be Televised (Venezuela/Ireland): Coup attempt on Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Cocalero (Argentina/Bolivia): Documentary on Evo Morales’ rise to President of Bolivia City of God (Brazil): An extremely violent view of life in the favelas Madeinusa (Peru): On the complexities of intercultural relations in Peru The Milk of Sorrow (Peru): On the lingering effects of Peru’s violence The Maid (Chile/Mexico): A realistic portrayal of a Chilean family, through the eyes of its maid The Gift of Pachamama (Bolivia/Japan): A child coming of age in a salt-harvesting family of Bolivia The Pinochet Case (France/Chile): What was hoped to be the long-awaited justice for Pinochet La dictadura perfecta (Mexico): On the media, society and politics Siete soles (Mexico): The story of undocumented immigrants making their way to the US César Chávez (México/US): Follows the life of the 1960s-70s Mexican-American labor leader Sins of my Father (Colombia): The life and death of drug lord Pablo Escobar, as told by his son The Devil’s Miner (US/Germany): A documentary on Bolivian silver miners Even the Rain (Spain/Bolivia): Fictional account of a film crew making a documentary about Columbus in Bolivia For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: ¢ On-time delivery guarantee ¢ PhD-level writers ¢ Automatic plagiarism check ¢ 100% money-back guarantee ¢ 100% Privacy and Confidentiality ¢ High Quality custom-written papers