ENGL 102 Dr. R. Buckton-Tucker Writing and Information Literacy Fall Semester 2015 SUMMARY, ANALYSIS& SYNTHESIS (15%) This paper furthers the use of your skills in summarising and analyzing. In addition, you will be synthesising the content and the argument of texts, working with three of the sources for your own research paper.You will be expected to quote and to give examples from the texts as necessary, and provide correct citations and a bibliography in MLA format (see Hacker, MLA section). Your paper should be formatted according to MLA style, as follows: ¢ Use one-inch margins ¢ Use Times New Roman font ¢ Use 11-12 point font size ¢ Do not include a cover sheet ¢ Title your paperSummary,Analysis& Synthesis,centred, with a space between the heading and the first line of your first paragraph ¢ Double-space within and between paragraphs; do not use extra spaces between paragraphs ¢ The first line of each paragraph must be indented .5 inch (MS Word default) from left margin ¢ Use the insert page number function of your word processing program and type your family name (last name) and page number in the upper right corner of all pages, excluding the first page. Please give the following informationin the upper left-hand corner of the first page: Your name Your ID number Dr. Buckton-Tucker ENGL 102- (+ your section) Due date: 22nd October 2015 Requirements Summarise, analyse and synthesise any three of the sources for your research paper. Try to choose different types of source if possible, i.e. at least one printed and one Internet source. Two of the three should be academic sources. The sources can either support or oppose your argument. Length: minimum 750 words First, choose the sources you wish to write about. You will need to provide a hard copy of each of these. If you are using a book-length source or a long article, you may provide just the section you are discussing. Next, read the section MLA 3C of Hacker,A Writer’s Reference, to help you identify the function of each of your sources and to see a sample synthesis essay. Also see MLA 3B regarding the use of signal phrases and how to present the sources in the context of your own argument. Continued¦. The essay The introductionshould present your research topic and question(s) and should include some background information to clarify the nature and focus of your research. In the body of the essay (probably three or four paragraphs) you will be expected to summarise briefly andanalysethe three sources and to explain how they relate to your own research. Do they support your arguments or provide counter-arguments?As well as analysing, you will be synthesising the material, i.e. showing how the texts are related to each other in the context of your research. You should not simply state the points made in the articles but should also comment on the validity of each writer’s arguments by evaluating the rhetorical strategies used. Quotations should be in quotation marks and follow the exact wording and punctuation of the original. They should be cited in correct MLA style. The conclusion will summarize your own argumentand acknowledge the inputfrom the three sources. Your paper will be followed by a bibliography of the three sources (not included in the word count). This can be on the final page; there is no need to start a new page. Your paper should be well-written in academic-style English. Give theword countfor the essay(excluding the heading) at the end. DUE DATE: Thursday 22nd October, 3.00 p.m. You should provide a hard copy and also enter the essay on Turnitin. For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: ¢ On-time delivery guarantee ¢ PhD-level writers ¢ Automatic plagiarism check ¢ 100% money-back guarantee ¢ 100% Privacy and Confidentiality ¢ High Quality custom-written papers