Understanding Business and Management Research Methods : Understanding Business and Management Research Methods This assignment comprises two parts: A: A group presentation weighting 40% of the grade of this module B: An in dividual academic essay weighing 60% of the grade of this module Part A (40%) You will be allocated to a sub “ group ( normally FIVE/SIX students) within the allocated seminar group to deliver a presentation on Comparison of Research Methodologies: Qualit ative Versus Quantitative Approaches . Each group will be given 10 minutes for this group presentation. Normally the presentation will contain 10 slides. You will need to explain, compare, evaluate and criticise these two different research approaches to demonstrate thorough understandings of various research methods as a team . The group presentation will be assessed by ? Effectiveness of group work ? Clear and confident communication skills ? Quality, logic and relevance of the content ? Tightness of str ucture (introduction, analysis , argument, and conclusions) ? Use and acknowledgement of adequate sources and references MG5615 Coursework Assignment 2014 “ 15 MG5 615 Understanding Business and Management Research Methods Page 2 of 7 The group presentation will be taken place in Week 26 and will be assessed by your allocated academic tutor for this module. Part B ( 60%) This is an individual assignment. You are required to write an academic essay to critically analyse and evaluate different research methodological approaches applied in academic journal articles (ABS ranking 3* and above) . T ypically, your essay sh ould have (a) an executive summary (b) Introduction (c) literature review of research meth odologies ( d ) discussion , analysis and evaluation of different research methodological approaches (e ) findings and what you have learnt from this assignment ( f ) refer ences ( Harvard Referencing System ). In this assignment , you need to demonstrate an in “ depth understanding of different research methodologies including qualitative research methods, quantitative research methods, and a mixture of both . You are expected to use relevant materials from academic research books and academic journal articles (ABS ranking 3* above) in your subject area to support your analysis and arguments when formulating your assignment . Your analysis , discussion an d evaluation should be backed with appropriate examples where necessary. This assignment should be presented with 12 pt. Times New Roman Text with line spacin g of 1.5. The word limit is 2000 words (excluding references). Note that assignment below this word limit by more than 10% wou ld result in decrease in the overall achieved mark by 10%. Proper referencing of all ideas, concepts, theories and quotes used in your work is essential. Normally you are re quired to present no less than 35 academic journal article references. The Harvard referencing system must be used, details of which are contained on your handbook. Failure to employ a clear and appropriate system of referencing will be penalis ed . Please include the presentation slides as appendix at the end of your report . Submission This academic e ssay should be Microsoft W ord processed. It should be submitted Via Blackboard Learn , by 12.00 pm 2 5 th March, 2015 . Your submission should have a title page clearly indicating the Module Code, your Registration Number , Your Allocated Tu tor’s Name and the Word Count of the essay. A Cover Page is also required which should contain title, your student number , name of your programme (i.e. Management, HRM, International Business, Marketing, Corporate Brand Management ) , module code, m odule t itle and date of submission . Late submissions: please check with T PO / check the student handbook PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT