A newly launched product that creates disruptive innovation has a clear-cut and compelling tagline. For example, Apple’s tagline is think different, which clearly appeals to a market that sees itself as creative and innovative, while playing on a similar tagline from the competition (IBM’s Think). For this discussion, complete the following: Describe why a tagline is an important part of blue ocean strategy. Evaluate a tagline for a product from a publicly traded company, in an industry you have not used in the course to date. Your post to this discussion must include at least one cited scholarly reference (peer-reviewed journal or practitioner journal) in addition to the course assigned readings, and must be a minimum of 250 words in length. Remember to list your references in APA format at the end of your post. Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results Why Choose US 6+ years experience on custom writing 80% Return Client Urgent 2 Hrs Delivery Your Privacy Guaranteed Unlimited Free Revisions