Working with Human Service Organizations

CASE SCENARIO: You need to develop an evaluation plan for an outcome evaluation of a training project aimed at enhancing the cultural competence of workers. The leadership has allocated funds for the training meant to enable frontline staff (that is, staff who interact directly with clients) to provide culturally competent service. Let us assume that the training will be for 100 staff across different sites. You can also assume that you are developing this evaluation plan while the training project is still being conceptualised (that is, the training has yet to be implemented possibly by an external trainer). Please note that you are doing an OUTCOME EVALUATION. The evaluation plan should adopt the following structure (use the headings): Evaluation Purpose, Project Logic and Indicators “ Explain the type, purpose and scope of the evaluation “ Outline the logic of the training project in terms of activities and outcomes “ Specify the key indicators to be used in the evaluation Method(s) “ Specify the method(s) you will use, with a justification in the choice of method(s) “ Specify the key information you will gain for each method you choose to use and present at least one non-standardised instrument (that is, something you made yourself). “ Specify the timetable for implementation, identifying the method to be used in a given point in time (e.g. If the training is in the first week of December, when will data collection be done?) Sampling and Recruitment “ Briefly discuss your sampling method and plan for the recruitment of participants. “ Issues in the Evaluation Ethics “ Identify two to three key ethical issues that need to be considered in the conduct of the evaluation and how these issues will be managed/resolved in the evaluation process. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.