Worksheet for Interdisciplinary Problem Literature Review Map The purpose of this assignment is for you to locate sources for research interdisciplinary problem: Lawful Use of Police Force, collect sources that will inform you of the problem, and create a literature review map. You will need to select at least two disciplines that provide information on the nature of the problem and current research on the problem. Thus, you will need to complete this worksheet two times. Once you have determined at least two disciplines that are most relevant to the interdisciplinary problem, you will need to select at least two scholarly articles (published within the last 3 years) and two texts/books per discipline, that discuss the problem. Once you have identified your sources, fill out the worksheet below. Interdisciplinary Problem: Name of Discipline #1: Name of Article #1 (plus parenthetical citation): Identify the problem addressed in the article: Identify the research methods used by the author(s): What is/are the key concept(s) identified by the author(s) and citation(s)? What were the results of the study or problem? What was the author(s) conclusion? List some of the key works that the author used: Name of Article #2 (plus parenthetical citation): Identify the problem addressed in the article: Identify the research methods used by the author(s): What is/are the key concept(s) identified by the author(s) and citation(s)? What were the results of the study or problem? What was the author(s) conclusion? List some of the key works that the author used: Key Book #1 (plus parenthetical citation): Name &Author Why was this a key book/work? Key Book #2 (plus parenthetical citation): Name & Author Why was this a key book/work? List any other journals you may have uncovered that might be helpful to your search: Journal #1 Journal #2 List Two Professional Organizations Pertaining to Discipline Professional Organization #1 Professional Organization #2 After you have filled out the worksheet, provide a brief summary of why the sources are important to the interdisciplinary problem. The summary should be brief only a paragraph or two at most. Follow the standard APA format, header, double-spaced 12 point font. A reference page should be included. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT